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Deepika Padukone Yoga Secrets

Deepika Padukone Yoga Secrets

Deepika Padukone’s Yoga Secrets

Deepika Padukone’s Yoga SecretsBollywood actress Deepkia Padukone is loved for her sweet face, attractive eyes and hot physique. She has a perfect body to flaunt. So, want to know the secrets behind her faultless body? Do you have a dream to have slim and healthy physique? Well, it obviously takes a lot of dedication, as Deepika religiously follows her fitness schedule. Her fitness instructor and famous Yoga expert Abhishek Sharma revealed Deepika Padukone Yoga Secrets. She maintains slim and agile body by practicing yoga regularly.

Deepika’s Body Type

Deepkia Padukone has athletic body type, and her workout schedule includes weight and cardio training. Additionally, she has included yoga in her fitness schedule. Yoga keeps her mentally and physical fit as well as energetic. She has embraced yoga training since the year of 2008, early days in her career at Bollywood and modeling. So, it would be interesting to know the yoga-asana postures that she practices. Following her fitness schedule can of course benefit you, especially if you wish to obtain stunning as well as agile physique like her.

Her Yoga Routine

Deepika Padukone’s Yoga SecretsDeepika Padukone practices her yoga-asana under supervision of her trainer Abhishek Sharma. Abhishek has designed her yoga schedule meticulously, and a few major asana or postures have been included. So, let us take a look at schedule of Yoga Secrets of Deepika Padukone:

1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

The most important and widely popular yoga form is Surya Namaskar, as it is basically a set of 12 asana. Step by step postures have their own significances and impacts on the body of the practitioner. It rejuvenates mind, body and soul. This is why Deepika looks vibrant and energetic in her movie promotions, award functions and other ceremonies. Surya Namaskar improvises blood circulation, and as a result oxygen reaches flawlessly to every part of body cells. This form of yoga can heal chronic pains, depressions, migraine problems, frequent blood pressure changes and many other things. It is a perfect way of starting a day.

2. Marjariasana (Cat stretch)

Deepika Padukone’s Yoga SecretsThis yoga-asana brings flexibility to spine and enhances body postures. It tends to give a toned shape to your body – just like Deepika. It enhances power of abs muscles, and improvises digestion system at the same time. For belly fat burning and to attain flat tummy like Deepkia, Cat Stretch yoga is highly recommended. This is one of the top Deepika Padukone Yoga Secrets.

3. Sharvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

This asana should be practiced to stimulate thyroid and parathyroid glands. It normalizes their functions. Those, who are suffering from thyroid related issues, can practice this yoga to get rid of the issues. It tends to eliminate lethargy, adding positive vibes to your mind and body. Probably, this makes Deepika to look so charming, happy and energetic, even having a tight schedule working.

4. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose)

The warrior pose is a graceful yoga posture, which requires muscle stretching. It gives agility to our muscle, and tends to enhance our stamina as well as flexibility.

5. Deep Breathing

Packed schedule for shooting is definitely stressful, and deep breathing practices provide the much needed relief to her. Deep breathing helps her to stay calm, focused on her works and stress free.

We sincerely hope that you loved the Yoga Secrets of Deepika Padukone. We shall bring will yoga secrets of more celebrities soon!


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