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1st International Yoga Day: A Guide to Various Yoga Forms

1st International Yoga Day: A Guide to Various Yoga Forms

1st International Yoga Day: A Guide to Various Yoga Forms (Asana)

Hello people,

On 21st June, 2015, India, along with 116 other countries, will celebrate the International Yoga Day. Yog-Guru Ramdev Ji will teach Yoga on 21st of June, and the event will be attended by many celebrated personalities. Nevertheless, our Prime Minister Narendra Bhai Modi will also join the event to perform Yoga and to inspire the Indians to understand the essence of Yoga in day to day life.

The secret of eternal beauty is the perfect combo of physical and mental wellness. To achieve both of them, Yoga should be the part of your daily routine. To keep them fresh, rejuvenated and free of anxieties, Indian youths must embrace Yoga.

Prime Minister has already tweeted several benefits of Yoga to inspire Indian youths. So far, he has shared 9 asanas with us in his twitter account. So, let us have a glimpse on those asanas to understand their benefits on our health and mind.

1. Chalan Kriya

Chalan Kriya

Chalan Kriya is quite similar to warm-ups that we often do before taking part in some physical activities, like sports, exercise, etc. This is the first stage of Yoga. It eradicates physical blocks and emotional barriers, inducing divine energy in us.

2. Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana is a Sanskrit term, which is called in English as ‘Tree Pose Asana’. When you perform this Asana, your posture would look like a tree. It releases tension or anxieties and helps in better blood circulation throughout the body. Practicing it daily will make you relaxed, calm and energetic.

3. Padahastasana

To perform Padahastasana, you need to bend your upper body towards your toe. This Asana stretches your muscles, makes you more flexible and endows seamless blood circulation throughout the body.

4. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is considered as the best medicine for stress management. It also helps removing chronic back pain problems.

5. Shashankasana

Shashankasana is also known as Hare Pose Asana. It helps in healing depressed minds, brings in new spurs of energy to our mind.

6. BhadrasanaBhadrasana

The posture of this Asnana is very interesting. Your body will take a shape of butterfly. This Asana stretches your thigh and hip muscles. Practicing it regularly will make your body perfectly curvy.

7. Ushtrasana

Ushtrasana, also referred as half Camel Pose Asana, is performed for stretching upper body muscles. It makes your muscles stronger and triggers positives vibes in your mind.

8. Vakrasana

Vakrasana is an excellent Yoga Asana for those, who are suffering from diabetes. This Asana eradicates digestive disorders, constipation, etc.

9. Ardha ChakrasanaArdha Chakrasana

Your body will be posed as a half moon, while practicing Ardha Chakrasana. This Asana increases flexibility of spinal cord and helps removing back pain.

The Most Discussed Surya NamaskarSurya Namaskar

Amongst various asana, Surya Namaskar Asana is mostly discussed, in the context of International Yoga Day. In traditional Sanatan Hindu religion, Surya or Sun is considered as the origin of divine energy. Sun Salutation Yoga is practiced to get synced with the solar system. Surya Namaskar helps you to stay fresh, rejuvenated, calm and physically strong.

Yoga is the part of traditional Indian culture and thus being an Indian take part in International Yoga Day. Understand the value of ancient Indian culture and learn of art of staying fit. Make Yoga Day a grand success!


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