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Benefits Of Green Tea For Beauty And Health

Benefits Of Green Tea For Beauty And Health

Benefits Of Green Tea For Beauty And Health

Green tea is a herbal medicinal plant stored with immense health and nutritional benefits. It even goes miles ahead not only implanting good health and longevity, but also as a beauty booster for your skin and hair.

Made from Camellia Sinensis, an evergreen shrub, Green Tea actually had its origins from the land of China. Loaded with essential nutrients and antioxidants, it has incredible effects on the body. It works not only as revitalizer to keep you youthfully vigorous but also distances you away from certain major ailments.

Green Tea For Weight LossHealth Benefits Of Green Tea

    • Green tea is a carrier of compounds like caffeine, saponins, theobromine, theophylline, vitamins and eigallocatechin gallate (commonly known as EGCG), which function as powerful antioxidants.

  • Fights cancer: Including the consumption of Green tea in your everyday regime, keeps you at bay from various kinds of cancers like breast cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and esophageal cancer. Polyphenols in green tea is an active contributor to fight radicals leading to such health risks.
  • Keeps cholesterol under control and improves immunity: It is very beneficial for weight-watchers. Though tasteless, but a sip of it in your daily routine will burn the cholesterol and stimulate fat-burning process. It improvises physical performance and reduces the cravings for unhealthy snacks. It lessens down the risk of obese.
    Diabetes checker: Consuming green tea regulates the blood sugar level of your body. EGCG polyphenol in it accelerates the secretion of glucose in the liver, cutting down the levels of blood sugar.

    Benefits Of Green Tea
  • Draws you smarter: Green tea improves the functioning of the brain because of the inhibiting properties of caffeine associated with it. It not only keeps you awake, but also synergizes improved mood and alert mind.
  • Protector against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s: Apart from improvising effective brain functioning, Green Tea reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The intellectual status of the mind starts degrading with the growing age particularly after the age of 50. The catechin components in green tea spread a protective canopy on the neurons safeguarding it against these disorders.
  • Fights against insomnia: Green tea is a great health benefactor in innumerable ways. It tranquilizes the brain and helps you getting indulged in a sound sleep.

These are only a few of the lot many health benefits imparted by the consumption of green tea. It boosts eyesight and is also most effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial component to combat against allergies. Green tea also keeps bad breath at bay and prevents gum inflammation. It provides longevity and keeps you full with the zeal of remaining youthful from inside.

Beauty Benefits Of Green TeaBeauty Benefits Of Green Tea

You need not only drink Green Tea for reaping its priceless harvests. It can be included in your beauty treatment through hair masks and face packs as well. Green tea slows down the aging process and prevents the appearance of fine lines. Its anti-inflammatory activities fight against the signs of aging.

  • Applying green tea bags onto the skin removes tanning and protects the skin against sun burns.
  • It is a powerful eye compressor and battles against the puffiness of the eyes. It works effectively against the under eyed dark circles.
  • Soaking your nails in Green Tea will outcast the paleness of nails and makes those look shinier.
  • It prevents against hair ailments like dandruffs, itching and frizziness. Greens tea also has the wonder effects of a hair conditioner.

Green Tea is not only one of the mostly used healthy beverage, but also a storehouse of medicinal properties and beauty enhancer.

Keeping pace with this Go Green world, Go Greener with this herbal medicinal all-rounder.


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