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Nail Care Tips For Healthy Nails

Nail Care Tips For Healthy Nails

 Nail Care Tips For Healthy Nails

Healthy nails are the signs of healthy body. Often we indulge our nails in in numerous activities, right from peeling of an orange to opening a can; from scratching to digging holes. These effect the nail-beds and weaken it, often leading it to break or tear off in an unproportionate manner. Nails are the silent bearers of harshness that are doled out towards it. Every bodily part, be it face or hands, need care and nourishment and nails too are not an exception.

Clean nail is the symptom of a hygienic and clean you. Just like your outfit and facial charm, beautiful nails are too projector of your personality. It is not necessary to often visit a salon digging hole into your pockets. Basic routine care if followed can boon you with beautiful and elegant nails. Let us glance through the easy ways paving towards well-groomed nails which are nothing new.

Nail Care Tips For Healthy Nails Are:

    • Trim nails as and when required: Always be ever vigilant towards the proximity of your nail length. Maintain a decent length which is easy for you to deal with. Trim the corners eroding the germs that may pile up, keeping it gently curved depending upon your shaping preference. This will prevent from unwanted shapeless breakage. Be it the nails of your hands or feet, make trimming and filing a ritual.

    • Do not damp your nails for a longer duration: Avoid keeping your nails and cuticles damp. Keep it dry in the best possible manner. This is because wet nails attract dirt easily and become the breeding place for bacteria and germs.
    • Stop Gnawing: Nail biting is one of the reasons for brittle and weak nails. It can also lead to several other bodily ailments. To stop chewing your dead cells, coating it and keeping it short is advisable. Moreover, a good nail-polish also adds to your glam.Nail Care Tips

    • Proper diet: Nails are composed of a layer of protein called keratin. Lack of iron and nutrition in body may lead to pale, white-spotted and weak nails. Including food stuffs that are rich in iron, like lentils, egg yolks, green vegetables, meat, fish, beetroots, milk, etc. will result in incredibly healthy nails.
    • Cleanse you nails frequently: Lemons have always been an effective cleanser whether used for skincare, hair care or our ongoing topic-nail care. Dipping your fingers in luke warm lemon water wipes off the dirt and stains from it very gently and effortlessly. Not only this, it even makes your nails look bright and radiant. The same can be followed by using salt if lemon is not handy. This acts as a protective shield against fungal infections.

    • Moisturise your nail-beds: A healthy nail-bed rests a healthy look to your nails. Whenever using a cream or lotion onto your face or skin, make it a point to include your cuticles and nails too. This will keep the nails hydrated and lively.
    • Massage: Massaging nails off and on will make it more durable and thick. This can be done dipping a cotton ball in lemon juice/ mustard oil/ olive oil and rubbing it for 2-3 minutes.

  • Nail-paints: Always cleanse your nails before applying a nail-paint. This will caste the glaze that you desire. If applied on uncleaned nail, the layer of dirt will remain deposited underneath.
  • Stop using your nail as a tool: This is a common tendency amongst almost everybody to use nails as an alternative to lids or openers. This might damage the skin making it brittle. Your nails are your jewels, not tools.
  • Proper footwears: Avoid using shoes that touch your toe-nails. This may cause pain and irritation. Proper footwear is a must for maintaining a healthy toe-nail.

Do not expose your nails to salon treatments too frequently as chemicals are involved in it. Just try these simple tips for healthy nails and see them sparkle. Let your nail speak about your healthy personality.


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