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MAC Kajal Eyeliner Review

MAC Kajal Eyeliner Review

MAC Kajal Eyeliner

Hi Pretty Ladies,

Spending some bucks on the right brand would give you extensive results. So, one of the lavish and amazing brands is MAC Cosmetics. MAC is one the top leading brands as we all girls know. They are amongst the finest cosmetics that give a new definition to define a women’s beauty. Today I look forward to review MAC Kajal Eyeliner. No women can spend her entire day or night without applying a Kajal or Kohl. So if you want to know whether this product is for you? Continue Reading…

Mac Kajal Eyeliner ReviewProduct Description :

MAC Kajal Eyeliner is defined to as a soft-on lipstick liner. Mainly it defines the eyes of the female who applies it on her eyes, as it gives a silky smooth matte-pearl finishing.

  • The packing is quite classy as it includes a black colour MAC packaging.
  • The MAC Kajal Eyeliner structure is that of a lipstick or it is also called as crayon kohl that needs sharpening.
  • The texture of the Kohl is silky yet malleable.
  • Black shade /Black colour or the darkest black that doesn’t need to be taut on the eye as it works fine just like applying butter.
  • On a single application, you get fine Kholed black eyes.
  • MAC Kajal Eyeliner is smudge free unless you have watery eyes or you rub your eyes quite often, try avoiding doing that.
  • MAC Kajal Eyeliner goes on any eye colour even if you use contacts it works well and stays all day and ophthalmologist tested.
  • Water resistant it seems.

Product Highlights :

  • Mac Kajal Eyeliner ReviewColor: Black
  • Quantity: Not mentioned
  • Ingredients: Not mentioned
  • Price: 999 INR

How To Apply MAC Kajal Eyeliner?

Apply MAC Kajal Eyelineron your eye-lids in one stroke or two.

My Experience With MAC Kajal Eyeliner

Mac Kajal Eyeliner Review

Mac claims that MAC Kajal Eyeliner is one of their finest products that give you a soothing experience, as its texture is soft and smooth. Applying it on the eyes of any colours does not bother your eyes rather it goes quite well in just one stroke. Best results for everyday use as it’s a myth in India that Kajal or Kohl makes a women’s eye look cautiously attractive and also provides shine to the colour of the eyes. The claims went right and gave me an amazing experience though. You can get MAC Kajal Eyeliner at any beauty cosmetic shop that deals with the MAC products. I got it from a shopping center down the street. I experienced good upshot from the MAC Kajal Eyeliner and it worked quite well. It did match my expectations.

Mac Kajal Eyeliner ReviewNote: Do not rub the eyes, as it is not smudge free.

MAC Kajal Eyeliner Pros:

  • Goes smooth on eyes when applied
  • In one stroke or two gives you black vibrant soft texture effect
  • MAC Kajal Eyelineris water resistant

MAC Kajal Eyeliner Cons:

  • Not smudge free
  • If you rub it you will get a raccoon eyes for sure!! (laughs)
  • Sharpening would do a little waste of such an amazing kohl

MAC Kajal Eyeliner Final Verdict

I would surely recommend for everyday users as it helps your eyes look darker and gives you a smoky look, which is my favorite.

Rating: 4/5


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