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Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse Review

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse Review

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse

Hello everyone!!

Do you feel toiled up after a long fatigue day? Do your feet hunt for some relief and nourishment for reboosting itself and infusing freshness into it? And the base of your feet; do they want to reinforce energy into it casting away the weariness? Ofcourse YES is the answer, isn’t it?

Often we pay so much care and attention to our skin and hair. Our lips, eyes, nails always garner a lot of love and attention of ours. And why not, these are the most valuable territories of our personality and taking care of them is not only our requirement, but our essentials.

But in this pursuit of adorning our precious gems, we generally tend to forget something which ought to be given proper care and relaxation; which keep us going on for the entire day and very righteously deserves pampering and proper care. Yes am talking about our feet. The whole day toiling up and pressure borne by it needs to be de-stressed before going to bed. The innovative product Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse detoxifies the stress from your body efficiently.

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg MousseThis innovative and modern formulation with Chill-Action Technology showers a cooling and crackling sensation to the feet. Its list of ingredients include refreshing lemon oozing, Horse Chestnut and Intensive Care complex.

  • Packaging: The product comes enwrapped in a cylindrical container made of tin with actuator fitted onto it. The pack is grey in colour and is covered with a perfect cap. Imprint of a foot is drawn on it which looks quite stylish.
  • Price : Rs. 429 for 150 ml

Usage Guidelines: Wash your feet thoroughly with water and spray it evenly on your feet, spread it with your finger tips and enjoy the cooling sensations.

My Tale with Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse made me feel good right from its first application. And it turned out to be all the more better and soothing through its eventual and regular usages. The Day 1 started resulting fruitfully and so instantly gave me the feel that I have chosen the best product for my feet. The next morning when I woke up, I was happy to discover a smooth and soft feet. It made me feel luxurious. The cracks on the foot had also been very lovingly dealt with this product. It stimulates the nerves and gives your feet just the right care it requires. A cooling sensation pervades around the entire area of your feet. The next dawn you are up, find your feet donned up with lesser cracks and softer skin. Day 2 witnessed a silky touch and clear soft look on the foot.

The best part is that after its application, you feel so relaxed and soothing that you will be in deep peaceful slumber in no time at all. Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse repairs the hard-toiled tissues releases your weariness away.

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse Pros:

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse

  • Removes cracks and heals them
  • Soft feet
  • Trusted brand name
  • Relaxes the feet and body

Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse Cons:

  • Not easily available
  • Bit expensive

Recommendation: YES
Rating: 4/5


Include Oriflame Feet Up Advanced Stimulating Cooling Relief Crackling Leg Mousse for a comfy and smooth feet. Infuse its goodness and discover happiness for your feet.


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