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5 Steps To Stay Beautiful Always

5 Steps To Stay Beautiful Always

5 Steps To Stay Beautiful Always

While we all aspire the youthful dew to sit on our shoulders throughout our life, little do we know that real beauty is what actually lies inside us. Our metabolism, our resistance, our body’s enduring capacities to fight against unwanted germs and diseases lay the foundation of “beautiful us”. Beauty always lies within. The healthier and fit we are inside, the brighter we are outside.

Agreed, that beauty products and salons add to our charms. But, the fact is that these are only the enhancers of beauty. Getting over-indulged into cosmetic world and paying less attention to our skin and bodily needs, is just like watering the plants lacking chlorophyll; which after a certain period of time is subject to wither and decay.

Following these simple 5 Steps to Stay Beautiful Always will not only make your skin rejoice but also keep it young and beautiful effortlessly. Just imbibe these natural steps and steal your dreams of staying charming with a delightful skin.

Relaxed Mind: 

The green-eyed monster “stress”, squeezes out the most of your essential bodily nutrients and energy. It gets you wrinkles, hair-loss, wipes off the glow from your skin and throws an unhealthy mind. It is therefore, always advisable to focus on the brighter sides of the things. A positive mood will not only keep your spirits high, but will tend to cultivate positive mental attitude. Always look at life full of zest. An uncluttered mind is a secret to beautiful you.

Relaxed Mind

Keep Your Body Hydrated: 

Kick your day-start with a glass of water. Before you hit the gym or get yourself indulged into household works always provide your body enough of water to not let your body drain down after sweating. Consume approx. 2 liters of water a day to release your toxins from the body and keep your skin hydrated.

5 Steps To Stay Beautiful Always

Physical Activities:

You may say doing household works and running the entire way through buses and metros to your office is enough of exercise for your body. But really, it is not. Though hitting the gym is advisable, however, if you are reluctant, why not go for riding a bicycle once in a week. It will pump your respiratory system well as well as instigate proper blood circulation.

Physical Activities

Make yoga a part of your daily activity and reap its immense benefits. It’s the best way to keep you youthful both inside and outside.

Proper Diet:

Keep an eye at your intake. Your body depends mainly what is going inside it. Green vegetables, fruits, milk, meat, fish, eggs provide the nutrition that your body requires. A healthy skin is result of mindful eating. Also watch the quantity you gulp down. Do not indulge into over-eating. Instead of having typical three heavy meals in a day, settle for 5-6 small means throughout the day. Drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before meals. This will keep you full and restrain you from over-eating. Also replace your morning beverage with Green Tea.Proper Diet

Routine care and pampering :

  • Cleanse, Exfoliate and moisturize your skin regularly.
  • Always wear a sunscreen when outdoors.
  • Remove your makeup no matter how tired you are.
  • Use face-wash after you return indoors.
  • Sleep with a clean face.
  • Rub petroleum jelly or Vaseline on your lips and foot before sleep at night.
  • Get enough sleep of 6-7 hours daily.

Follow these simple rules of life and stay healthy and beautiful always. Most importantly, be happy and keep smiling.


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