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Beat the Heat: 3 Healthy Summer Drinks To Chill Down

Beat the Heat: 3 Healthy Summer Drinks To Chill Down

Beat the Heat Tips: 3 Healthy Summer Drinks to Chill Down

Hello friends,

So, the boiling summer is here and you must be searching for tips to chill down. Summer in India plains is harsh, boiling hot and humid. We tend to lose a lot of water from our body due to heavy sweating in summer. To maintain body balance and to let the body to function properly, we need to consume a lot of water in summer. Well, drinking water can get better and enjoyable, if we opt for some cool drinks.

Here, in this piece of article, I will share 3 excellent healthy summer drinks with you. These drinks are not just amazingly tasty, but also extremely healthy. So, let’s check them out:

1. Mango ColadaSummer Drink - Mango Juice

Summer is a carnival of fruits. Go to the marketplace, and you will discover various types of fruits are there. When it comes to fruits, Mango is mostly termed as ‘King of all Fruits’ and this particular fruit grows in summer. Mango is enriched with minerals, anti-oxidants and water. It is extremely beneficial for health. So, at the top of the list, I have chosen Mango Colada, which is basically a Caribbean drinks. Juicy mango pulps are mixed with coconut milk to make a unique combination. This drink is lip smacking indeed!

Major Ingredients: Mango pulps, coconut milk, pineapple juice, etc.

Health Benefits: Mango is good for skin, as it possesses high percentage of water and anti-oxidants. It also lowers cholesterol, prevents heat stroke, and improves digestion. On the other hand, coconut milk keeps our body cool and compensates water deficiency in summer due to sweating.

Health Meter Rating: 8/10

2. Aam Panna (Tangy Raw Mango and Mint Drink)

Aam Panna

‘Aam Panna’ is a well-known drink and probably many of us have already tried it at home before. The drink is prepared with raw or green mangoes, coupled with fresh mint leaves. The green mangoes need to be roasted in direct flame first and then the pulps have been extracted. The extracted pulps are combined with mint leaves and a pinch of few Indian spices are added to bring in mouthwatering taste.

Major Ingredients: Raw mango or green mango, fresh mint leaves, black roasted salt, sugar, roasted cumin powder, red chili powder, etc.

Health Benefits: Roasted raw mangoes keep our body cool and energetic. Mango is particularly beneficial for skin. Mint also keeps body cool and prevents heat stroke or sunstroke. Black roasted salt compensates the minerals that we lose due to sweating.

Health Meter Rating: 9/10

3. Fresh Watermelon Juice

Watermelon Juice

At the third spot of the list, we have water melon juice, which is a simple drink and easy to be prepared. Water melon is yet another seasonal fruit, which can be found in the market only in summer. This super fruit contains nearly 90% water, and rest of the 10% is natural fiber.

Major Ingredients: Fresh water melons, crushed ice, etc.

Health Benefits: Water melon maintains water equilibrium inside our body. It protects skin damages and keeps the digestive system healthy.

Health Meter Rating: 7.5/10

I shall explore more and come back soon with more such healthy summer drinks. Till then – chill out with the above mentioned drinks.


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