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Glow With Honey

Glow With Honey

Glow With Honey

Honey has its legendary tales of contributing to the beauty arsenals of womankind. This powerful golden flower nectar carries with it numerous bodily and beauty benefits from ages immemorial. Endowed with the wholesomeness of natural properties, honey offers great medicinal value as well. It is powerhouse of energy synergized with essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Talk about the benefits of honey, and you will find yourself getting submerged in the effervescence land of its endless harvests. Let us explore a few of the natural ways to Glow with Honey.

For A Naturally Glowing Skin

Massaging honey evenly on a wet face for 2-3 minutes can shower you an unmatched radiant and soft skin in no time. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes before washing it off with plain water. Everyday practice of doing will make you glow noticeably.

Glow With HoneyFace Masks with Honey:

  • As a cleanser – Blend honey with almond oil/coconut oil and massage it gently. It opens the pores making your skin breathe healthily. Follow-up with a luke warm water wash.

  • Anti-tanning – Mix honey, lemon juice, powdered milk and almond oil in proportionate amount and let it dry on your affected areas for 20 minutes. Wash off thoroughly and see your stubborn tanning getting diminished.
  • As a scrubber – Combine honey, drops of lemon and sugar and stir it with your finger-tips. Apply in a circulating motion on your face and neck. You will love the way it hits on the black heads and makes your face appear clean and dust-free.
  • As a natural moisturizer – A mixture of tomato pulp, turmeric and honey will work out as regenerator of your skin. Wash it off and feel your skin subtle and moisturized.
  • Anti-aging supplement – Rich in antioxidants, honey has the undawning property to fight against time. A paste of honey and curd will rejuvenate the skin lessening down the wrinkles and fine-lines very effortlessly.

Inclusion of honey in facepacks will lubricate the skin and act as shine-boosters.

Honey For Hair CareHair Care with Honey:

  • For shiny mane – Prepare s mixture of egg, curd, lemon juice and honey and wear it on your hair, covering the entire scalp and hair-roots. Wash it off with a mild shampoo after half an hour and discover manageable and silky mane.
  • As a conditioner – Mix honey with water and apply it on your hairs after washing it off with a shampoo. It works as a perfect natural hair conditioner.
  • Moisturizer for locks – Make a luke warm coconut oil massage with drops of honey added to it. Wash it off after half an hour. See how healthily your hair shines and bounces on your shoulders.
  • Anti-dandruff – Apply honey on your scalp mixed with aloe gel. It puts a check on the occurrence of those flakes keeping your hair strong from the roots.

Honey has endowing properties of lowering down carbs cutting down the extra flabs that you carry. It is a great cholesterol controller and immunity booster. So varied are its deliverables, that your entire personality can in unison Glow with Honey.


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